Monday, September 26, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ltr fromSC

I know you are having the best time at JH! This is such a special time that you will always remember with your dad.

I am so proud of the person you have become. Continue to be the best friend, daughter, and sister you can be because these are the most supportive people in your life. You are at the age in which you are about to face the temptations of the world. Stay true to yourself and have faith to overcome these challenges. I have learned so much from you throughout these past few years and you have made me a better person! I can't wait to see what the Lord has planned for your future!

Love you!
Sara Claire

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dear EC

           February 2, 2011

Dear Ellen Coleman,
    First of all, I hope you know that I love you from the bottom of my heart. You are beautiful, a cutie pie and a great athlete. You have so much passion for the things you love like friends, cheerleading, black babies, poor people and your studies.  You are organized, on top of issues, you think ahead and are a rule follower.  You have a small frame, straight thin hair, little ears and nose and a big smile.  You sometimes worry and have no fingernails.  You can fly when tossed, dance, move your body in ways most people can’t even imagine and shake your booty. You can pitch a fit and cry really really loud when your angry, but your hugs and love for your friends and family is so genuine and real. 
     In the above paragraph, I have listed the characteristics of Ellen Coleman that came to my mind as I thought back over the years. What an amazing person God has created!!! GOD knew you before you were born (Psalms 139) and in your mother’s womb, HE knit you together. HE numbered every hair on your head (Matt 10:30).  He knows what we are gong to say before we open our mouths. Yikes -If we really think about that its pretty scary cause sometimes my thoughts are not very nice.

God, our Father in heaven, made your heart to have a passion for black babies, poor people, cheerleading and school. HE gives us every breath that we take and loves us more than we can even imagine or fathom. HE loves you more than your mom and dad (that is a lot).  HE loves you so much that HE sent HIS ONLY Son to die for your (and mine) sin. 
GOD made us with a purpose
To love, honor, worship and Priase HIM every minute of every day for everything

To GO and tell others about Jesus, the Saviour of the World, God’s son

To love our neighbor as ourselves.  Hum, I don’t even know my next door neighbor, let alone love her. We should love our enemies and those that don’t like us.

Jesus wants a relationship with us and wants us to know HIM like our family..

EC, I pray God will use you in a mighty way to reach others for Jesus.  I pray that you will be obedient to your heart and listen to God and do what he calls you to do.  This will not be easy.  Friends and family will disagree with you Follow Christ! not your friends.  I pray for you to have a godly Christian husband (who is cute) and loves the Lord.  I pray that God will continue to open your heart to see the things that HE sees, so you can be an instrument for HIM. 

I love you sweet girl
Scatter Christ